Dubai – Forumul de afaceri + alte oportunitati
Invitatie la “Seara Oamenilor de Afaceri – Editia Cehia”, Ploiesti, Prahova – in 13 Decembrie 2017
Oportunitati de afaceri si alte facilitati in Marea Britanie, inainte si dupa Brexit – 21.06.2017
Canadian and business opportunities + 90% nonreturnable financing solutioni
Parteneriatul Eleno-Roman – intalniri de afaceri
Delegatie economica in ETIOPIA – KENYA – UGANDA : 28/02 – 1/03/2016
Invitatie la Seara Oamenilor de Afaceri: a XIV – a editie IN 30 MARTIE 2016
The XBS limited company, in cooperation with local partner and other key players (different chambers of commerce in Romania ), will organize in every month, business meetings between Romanian and companies from your country in Bucharest.
Our team will focus on introducing:
- Companies from your country to Romanian companies and companies / business entities from other nations.
- Romanian companies interested in developing businesses in your country
During the visit to Romania the delegation will meet representatives from the Romanian companies, and other players (chamber of commerce etc). The visit aims at giving companies from your country an understanding of Romanian companies, business opportunities and to meet directly with key players on the Romanian and European market.
Explore collaborations between companies from your country with local companies.
Open the gates between your company and Romanian companies for direct interaction.
B2B Meetings between high-level representatives of Romanian and companies from your country.
Visits to proposed investment projects and Romanian companies
Matchmaking opportunities with local companies
Networking together with invited key players from different sectors.
During the program of the delegation, the following will be organized by XBS & other partner:
– Accommodation
– Meals
– Local transportation
– Sightseeing
– Meeting rooms
– Visa assistance and program guidance
XBS will promote companies from your country in Romania for this Event. We have access to and shall invite more than 1000 companies from different sectors.
- Presentation about Romanian market, economic situation, opportunities, financing ect. by expert consultants from different fields.
- B2B Meetings ( matchmaking between companies from your country with Romanian companies)
- Businessmen evening
- Sightseeing in Bucharest and nearby places of tourist interest.